Joomio is a cosmetic products brand

Joomio is a cosmetic brand, producing and distributing a variety of herbal based cosmetic products. 

Since its establishment in 2015, Joomio has been expanding its producing lines and increasing its market share.

Joomio’s laboratory creates new cosmetic products and provides all required certificates.

What do we do

Distributing and Exporting Cosmetic Products

We distribute and sell cosmetic products all over Iran via our regional sales agents, and also we export cosmetic products to neighboring countries of Iran.

Producing Products for Other Brand Owners

Since our factory is well equipped and modern, we produce various kinds of cosmetic products for both Iranian and Non-Iranian Brand Owners.

Producing Cosmetic Products in Iran

Our new and high technology factory is located in Iran, Karaj. We produce different kinds of cosmetic products such as skin cares, hair cares, and perfumes.

Importing Raw Materials and Ingredients

We import our raw materials and ingredients and packaging goods from different foreign countries, such as China, Malaysia, France, Switzerland, and Germany. 

Joomio wants to hear from you

If you are an importer, exporter, raw materials and packaging goods supplier, brand owner, a Joomio lover, or if you have any questions or suggestions or inquiries, we would be very honored to hear from you.

Please use the links below to contact us.

Factory and Headquarters: No. 225, Golestane Nohom st., Baharestan Industrial Park, Karaj, Iran.

Telephone: 0098-26-34762131

Fax: 0098-26-34762130


Joomio on social medias

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